A Library of Quadratic Programming Instances

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This website hosts a collection of problem instances from the diverse class of quadratic programming problems. Starting from 8,164 submitted instances, the final version of QPLIB contains 319 discrete and 134 continuous instances of different characteristics. For details on the library see the article

and the statistics and documentation pages on this website. When using QPLIB, please cite the article above. The BibTeX entry is here.

History and updates


The following researchers have been involved in the creation of QPLIB:

We want to thank the Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and Operations Research (PGMO) and GAMS for their support of the QPLIB project.


For questions and comments please contact the main coordinators Fabio Furini and Emiliano Traversi. Regarding the website or for updating best-known solutions, contact Stefan Vigerske.

Website © 2017-2023 by Zuse Institute Berlin and GAMS. All rights reserved. Imprint. QPLIB is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.